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Prevent birds from invading your home & when to call pest control 

Compared with other countries, the UK’s wildlife might seem pretty harmless. That’s not to say, though, that our animal population can’t cause significant damage and disruption.

Amongst the culprits that can cause problems if left to their own devices are birds. Pigeons, gulls, collared doves and starlings – as well as other bird species – can find nesting spots in our homes and wreak havoc. They can cause structural damage when building their nests, when taking nesting materials and through the corrosive nature of their droppings. The parasites they carry and those in their feaces can spread disease. They can decimate food supplies (including garden crops), disrupt us with their squawking and can also be aggressive towards humans during nesting season.

But…it doesn’t need to be this way. If you’re wondering how to control birds, read on to understand their behaviour, learn about DIY bird control methods, and find out when it’s the right time to bring in professional bird pest control services.

Understanding Bird Behaviour

Just as we’ve got particular requirements when we’re searching for a new home, birds have certain things they look for when deciding on a nesting site. First and foremost, they’ll want somewhere away from the reach of predators to keep both them and their offspring safe. They’ll also look for somewhere that’s well-sheltered, as well as a place that’s within easy reach of both food and water sources.

They don’t ask for much, and that’s why there are so many potential nesting sites in your home. You might find bird nests in:

  • Chimneys
  • Cavities in buildings
  • Trees and high hedges
  • Windowsills and window ledges
  • Roofs
  • Guttering
  • Solar panels

There are steps you can take to minimise the risk of nesting activity in your home. Removing access to food and water sources will make your property less attractive – as will reducing access to nesting materials where you can. You should also be sure to check the above locations regularly for access points and signs of any activity: they’re unlikely to nest in places with human activity.

You’ll also find various DIY bird pest control methods that can help.

Pest Stop Boys adding protection to chimney
Do you need to keep birds away from your property?
Birds can able to cause damage to properties, spread disease and disturb people with their noise and sometimes aggressive behaviour.
DIY Bird Control Methods

When it comes to DIY bird pest control, UK supermarkets and websites have all sorts of options you can buy.

You’ll find physical deterrents, like bird spikes and bird nets. You’ll find visual and auditory deterrents, like reflective objects, ultrasonic devices and deterrents designed to look like birds of prey.

On the plus side, these solutions are cost-effective, humane and environmentally friendly, as well as being easy to get your hands on.

But are they really that effective? DIY bird control methods can lose effectiveness over time as birds get used to their presence – and they don’t deter all bird species, either. What’s more, ultrasonic devices can disturb pets and even humans, and certain solutions can look unattractive.

You’ll also find that installation can sometimes be tricky: the need to get up onto your roof, access guttering or get underneath solar panels can be challenging – and dangerous. So, if you’re wondering how to control birds effectively AND safely, the best solution is always to hire a professional.

Professional Bird Pest Control Solutions

At Pest Stop Boys, we don’t just treat existing pest infestations. A core part of what we do is professional bird pest control: securing your property against the threat of avian invaders.

Turning to the professionals for your bird control needs will save you time, money and hassle: no need for you to spend ages in dangerous places, or buying solutions that just don’t work.

What’s more, we know how different types of bird pest behave. Once we’ve assessed your property we can choose the right preventative measures to keep out all pest birds, including blocking entry points or using physical, visual or audio deterrents.

Our solutions are not only certified, they’re also discreet. In addition, we always use humane methods where possible – and our compliance with UK wildlife laws means that you know we’ll always do the right thing.

Don’t just take our word for it: take a look at our Checkatrade reviews to see what Pest Stop Boys clients say about our work.

The Importance of Humane Bird Control

Did you know that all wild birds in the UK are protected by law? The Wildlife Act of 1991 states that it is illegal to intentionally disrupt, hurt or kill any wild bird – and this law also applies to their nests and eggs, too. Even if the species in question is considered a pest, killing nuisance birds should always be a last resort.

Any reputable bird pest control company should tailor its services to each individual situation – and that’s exactly what we do at Pest Stop Boys. We’ll always use non-toxic or low-toxicity methods where we can, and our focus is on deterring birds from your property: neither you nor we really want to wait until they’re already causing problems.

As well as using our humane deterrents, we’ll also provide you with solid advice on keeping birds away in the future.

When to Call Pest Stop Boys

You might simply be looking to protect your property going forward. Or, you might be wondering whether you could already have a bird control problem in your home or garden.

If the latter, there are certain signs you should look out for. You might be seeing more birds around your home than normal – even coming into or going out of holes in your house. You might hear them squawking or spot droppings, feathers or nesting debris. You could even spot signs of new nest-building activity.

If this is the case, get in touch: either phone us on 01273 634 826 (Brighton) or 01903 641 362 (Worthing), or contact us using our online form. We’ll ask you some questions to determine your individual circumstances before we make our recommendations completely tailored to YOU.

When we arrive at your property, we’ll come in a completely unbranded van; there’s no need to worry about what the neighbours will think. Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our number one priority – and with our knowledge of bird behaviours, our armoury of bird pest control solutions and our years of experience in the industry, you know that you’re in safe hands with Pest Stop Boys.

Get in touch now to find out how we can help with your bird control needs