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Why You Might Need Pest Control for Squirrels

Squirrels look cute and fluffy – and many people enjoy watching them exploring their gardens or leaping from tree to tree in local parks and woodland.

However, the truth is that the grey squirrel is an invasive species – and one that’s classed as vermin under The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. They’re known for their persistence in attempting to steal food from bird feeders, but the problems they can cause go far beyond petty theft.

Read on to understand the importance of pest control for squirrels, and how best to tackle the potential issues they can cause.

Importance of Squirrel Control

Squirrels are known for stripping bark from tree trunks. Some say it’s to get to the sap underneath, some say it’s simply because they enjoy it. Obviously this can result in damage to trees in your garden…but what happens when they have no bark to strip?

The answer is that they can make their way inside your attic or walls. There you might spot your insulation having been torn up to make nests. You might notice damage to air vents, or teeth marks in wooden timbers or walls. You might spot electrical wires being chewn through.

Squirrels are very strong, and this makes it easy for them to gain access to your property. This can make a lot of mess – due to both the damage they can cause and their droppings too. These droppings can carry diseases like salmonella, while squirrels themselves can host ticks that carry lyme disease, as well as spreading leptospirosis, tularemia, parasites and more.

These are all reasons why it’s vital to spot signs of a squirrel infestation as soon as possible, so you can tackle the issue straight away.

Signs of a Squirrel Infestation

There are several signs that you may need pest control for squirrels.

Strange noises are one of these signs. You might hear scratching or chewing noises in your loft – or even in your chimney. Scampering or scurrying noises in the same places can also be signs of a squirrel infestation. Squirrels themselves can make all sorts of noises, from high-pitched screeches to warn other squirrels of danger to deep barks and quacking noises.

In your loft or inside your walls there may also be visible damage – like nests that have been built inside insulation, chewed wires, scattered wood chippings, teeth marks and damage to air vents. While signs like these can be hard to spot inside your property, take a look at the outside too. You might spot damage to garden furniture, plants, bird feeders and trees – even roof damage where they have tried to get in.

Look for signs of squirrel droppings: these are thick and oblong in shape with rounded ends – similar to rat droppings but larger. Their footprints can also give away their presence. These are fairly easy to identify: they are small, with five toes on the back paws, and four toes on the front.

Finally, that water damage you’ve seen on your ceilings or walls? It might not be water damage after all. The longer squirrels nest in your home, the more they’ll urinate – and this urine can seep through walls and ceilings, causing significant damage.

Spotted any of these signs? Professional pest control for squirrels may be needed…

With safe and effective solutions, we’ll quickly assess the situation and implement a plan to keep your home squirrel-free.

Methods of Squirrel Control

There are various methods of pest control for squirrels – but some are more effective than others.

One option is to poke the nest to disturb it, in the hope that its residents will find somewhere else to nest. The problem with this, though, is that squirrels can become aggressive when they feel threatened – and you don’t want to be bitten.

Spring traps are used by some to both trap and kill the squirrels. While this might seem effective, there’s the possibility that the trap could injure the squirrel without eliminating it completely. In cases like this, you’ll need to dispatch the squirrel yourself – and this isn’t a pleasant task.

The most humane and effective method of pest control for squirrels is live traps. These trap the squirrels with ease – but remember, once trapped, a grey squirrel cannot be released into the wild. Instead they must be put down in a humane way, which is why professional squirrel removal services are often a better option than dealing with the issue yourself.

Prevention Tips

As with all pests, squirrel prevention techniques could save you having to deal with costly damage in the long run.

Take a look at the outside of your property. Are there tree branches they could use to gain access to your roof? Bear in mind that squirrels can jump distances of six feet or more when cutting these branches back. They’re also nimble enough to scamper across washing lines and electrical cables, so you’ll want to check your walls and roof for any gaps they could use as access points.

If you feed garden birds, could you be attracting squirrels too? We’re not saying you should stop feeding your feathered friends, but consider squirrel-proof bird feeders so you’re not encouraging the local squirrel population onto your property.

Another solution is to use devices such as motion-activated lights or ultrasonic sound repellents, which can also work on other pests like rats and mice. Bear in mind, though, that these can cause distress to pets if you have them.

Services Offered by Pest Stop Boys

At Pest Stop Boys, we’ll inspect your property to confirm it is indeed squirrels that are causing the problem, and to assess the scope of the issue. We use the live trapping method to catch any squirrels that have invaded your property. Once caught, we use a range of methods to eliminate the pests – but these are always humane, as well as non-toxic to your property’s occupants.

Once we’ve eliminated the squirrels, we will proof your property to prevent them coming back: blocking any access points with materials designed to withstand squirrels’ strong teeth and persistent nature. We’ll also provide you with squirrel prevention advice to reduce the likelihood of them returning. For more on our squirrel pest control services, click here.


Despite their cute looks and their prevalence in parks and gardens across the UK, grey squirrels are classed as vermin and can cause huge amounts of damage if they nest in your property. There are many ways to spot the presence of squirrels in your home – and if you do find them, remember that grey squirrels, once trapped, cannot be released into the wild.

If squirrels are causing you problems, drop Pest Stop Boys a line. We’ll remove and eliminate any squirrels from your property and block access points to prevent them coming back, giving you back the enjoyment of your home.