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Protect Your Home from Seagull Pests with Effective Proofing Methods

Head down to the seafront and you’ll see seagulls stealing food, ripping open bin bags and, in some cases, showing some serious aggression. But it’s not just at the seaside where these pests are a problem.

Seagulls love to nest in residential properties where they can cause a whole host of other issues. Read on to learn more about their behaviour, how to identify problem areas in your home, the best seagull deterrents and when you should call in a professional seagull control company.

Understanding Seagull Behaviour

While some seagulls nest on cliffs and in sand dunes, their choice of residence is mainly dictated by where they feel safest. This is why they’ve adapted their nesting habits to include roofs – and those nesting inland will often nest with other seagulls so they can warn each other of any danger.

Nesting normally starts in late April or early May and ends in July. You’ll know when it’s happening as you’ll hear the adults making plenty of noise (and sometimes the babies, too). You’ll also spot one parent flying to and from the nest in search of food, while the other parent remains behind. What’s more, if their nest remains undisturbed during nesting season, they may well come back again the following year.

Seagulls choose residential areas for two key reasons. The first is that they feel safer: there are normally fewer predators where there are lots of people around.

The second is the easy access to food. Whether it’s rifling through bins or bin bags, scavenging for dropped scraps or stealing food directly from holidaymakers on the beach, there’s plenty around to keep them well-fed.

Identifying Seagull Problem Areas

You may be surprised at the number of vulnerable areas around your home that allow birds of all types – including gulls – to gain access. Roof, bathroom and gable vents are all common access points, as well as chimneys and any gaps or holes that need repairing that you may not have noticed.

As well as nesting on rooftops, on chimneys and in attics, seagulls can also make their homes beneath solar panels – something that’s becoming more and more common as the demand for renewable energy increases. Check your property carefully to work out which of these vulnerable areas could apply to your home – and you’ll then be able to choose the right seagull deterrents to keep the birds away.

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Our expert team are only a call away to treat & proof your seagull pest problem!
Seagull Deterrents

There are three main types of seagull deterrents that you could use:

1. Visual Deterrents

Visual seagull deterrents are one of the easiest ways to keep birds away from your property. They’re designed either to resemble a predator or simply look threatening, essentially scaring the gulls away from your property.

Some look like owls, hawks, falcons or other birds of prey. Others use vibrant colours, movement or reflective surfaces to act as seagull deterrents: they won’t want to nest somewhere they don’t feel safe.

2. Landscaping & Property Modifications

If visual deterrents don’t work, there are various ways to stop seagulls approaching or nesting in your property. Chimney guards can keep gulls from perching on your chimneys, while bird spikes can be attached to roof edges and chimneys to both reduce access and make these locations less appealing. Bird repellent gel, meanwhile, is non-toxic and easy to apply.

Bird wire and netting may be used in certain situations (although there’s the risk that birds can become entangled), while the removal of old nests when nesting season is over can make it less likely that gulls will return the following year.

3. Cleaning & Waste Management

Effective waste management and regular cleaning can definitely help with your seagull pest proofing. Litter, rubbish bins and bin bags are all potential food sources for gulls – and removing their food sources can encourage them to go elsewhere.

Proper waste management will eliminate these food sources. Make sure your rubbish is placed securely in lidded bins that gulls cannot easily access – gull-proof bags on their own may not be enough. Make sure any food waste is disposed of properly, and if you have bird feeders or pets that live or spend time outdoors, be sure to clean up any food spillages regularly.

Regular cleaning will also help: make sure you have a tidy home and garden with no food sources or potential nesting materials for gulls to steal.

Professional Seagull Control Services

Seagulls nest in colonies, so a single bird can quickly turn into a big seagull control issue. With the same nesting spots often used year after year, any trace of a previous nest can keep gulls coming back to your property – and what’s more, all gull breeds are protected by law. Intentionally or recklessly harming or killing a gull can land you with a hefty fine or even a jail sentence, so it’s important to tackle the problem the right way.

A good pest control company that specialises in seagull control will thoroughly inspect your property to get to the heart of the problem. They’ll only do this either before the nesting season starts or after the baby gulls have flown the nest, removing any traces of existing nesting material, securing entry points and fitting the most appropriate seagull pest proofing solutions for the location. They’ll also be able to advise you on other steps you can take in the future to reduce the likelihood of gulls returning going forward.


Noise pollution, property damage, the risk of disease, fouling…nesting seagulls can cause all sorts of unwanted problems for homeowners. However, by understanding their behaviour, recognising the signs of a seagull problem, choosing the right deterrents and using a reputable seagull control company when needed, you can keep your property gull-free, year after year.

If you need more advice on a potential seagull issue or help to protect your property, give us a call.